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Windows Failover Clustering Fundamentals

Windows failover clusters are becoming increasingly prevalent in today's data centers. This course will teach you what you need to know about configuring networks, storage, and servers to implement failover clusters with confidence.

Bruce Mackenzie-Low - Pluralsight course - Windows Failover Clustering Fundamentals
by Bruce Mackenzie-Low

What you'll learn

Windows Failover Clusters can intimidate even the most seasoned IT Pros due to their complexity. This course, Windows Failover Clustering Fundamentals, teaches you how to implement clusters from the ground up. It begins by introducing you to clusters and provides you with the fundamentals for planning your networks and storage. You'll then learn how to create a cluster with a variety of workloads, including File Serving and Hyper-V virtual machines. The course concludes by teaching you how to troubleshoot your cluster in case anything ever goes wrong, along with the best practices for keeping it up and running. This course will leave you with the confidence and knowledge you'll need to implement and maintain your own Windows failover clusters.

Table of contents

About the author

Bruce Mackenzie-Low - Pluralsight course - Windows Failover Clustering Fundamentals
Bruce Mackenzie-Low

With over 25 years of computing experience at Digital, Compaq and HP, Bruce is a well-known resource for resolving highly complex problems involving clusters, SAN’s, networking and internals.

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