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Working with Geometric Constraints in AutoCAD

In this set of tutorials we'll learn how to apply various types of constraints to geometry within AutoCAD. Software required: AutoCAD 2015.

What you'll learn

In this set of tutorials we'll learn how to apply various types of constraints to geometry within AutoCAD. We'll begin with Geometric Constraints where we'll look at each type and see how we can then apply them to a structural diagram. Once we've covered each Geometric Constraint, we'll learn about Dimensional Constraints. We'll apply linear, aligned, and even angular constraints to our drawing in order to maintain certain geometric and dimensional characteristics. Finally, we'll take a look at Auto Constrain and Inferring Constraints and some of the benefits and limitations of using one or the other. By the end of this tutorial, you'll gain a solid understanding of how constraints can help take your drawings from simple 2D linework to a more parametric approach to drafting and design. Software required: AutoCAD 2015.

Table of contents