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Writing Burp Suite Macros and Plugins

Learn how to write Burp Suite macros and extensions in different languages. Understand the Burp API, its supporting classes and structure in order to equip yourself in writing customized Burp functionality for your developer and pentester needs.

Dr. Sunny Wear - Pluralsight course - Writing Burp Suite Macros and Plugins
by Dr. Sunny Wear

What you'll learn

Harness the power of Burp Suite to cater to all of your pentesting needs. In this course, Writing Burp Suite Macros and Plugins, you will learn how to create customized Burp Suite functionality that fits any special business requirement. First, you will uncover the secrets of using Burp Macros to assist you with automated testing. Then, you will dive into how you can write Burp Extensions in both Java and Python languages. Next, you will cover Burp Macros for automating Logins, populating CSRF tokens, and solving CAPTCHA puzzles. Additionally, you will gain an understanding of the Burp API in Java and Python languages by looking at several examples of Burp plugins along with challenge exercises for you to complete in writing Burp extensions. Finally, you will learn how to automate Burp Macros and Extensions into your DevOps build process. By the end this course, you will know how to perform these techniques at a comfortable and efficient level to better perform your job as a pen tester or developer.

Table of contents

About the author

Dr. Sunny Wear - Pluralsight course - Writing Burp Suite Macros and Plugins
Dr. Sunny Wear

Sunny Wear, D.Sc., is an Application Security Architect and Web Application Penetration Tester. Her breadth of experience includes network, data, application and security architecture as well as programming across multiple languages and platforms. She holds a Doctor of Science in Cybersecurity and is the author of several security-related books including her most recent, Burp Suite Cookbook.

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