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Drawing Manga Anatomy and Poses in Photoshop

In this tutorial, we will learn the basics about drawing character anatomy and poses in the Manga style.

Eddie Russell - Pluralsight course - Drawing Manga Anatomy and Poses in Photoshop
by Eddie Russell

What you'll learn

In this tutorial, we will learn the basics about drawing character anatomy and poses in the Manga style. The art of Japanese comics known as Manga has been incredibly popular not only in Japan but in the United States for quite some time now. If you've ever wondered how to even start drawing in this style, this is the course for you. We will be breaking down the anatomy for several different Manga body types and drawing them step by step. First we will learn how to plan out the proportions of the anatomy using an armature for each body type. Then we will discuss drawing the anatomy itself around each armature. To wrap things up, we will learn how to use our armature to begin thinking about the character three dimensionally in planning out a pose. After completing this course, you'll have a good foundation to build so that you can begin developing your own Manga characters and poses.

Table of contents

About the author

Eddie Russell - Pluralsight course - Drawing Manga Anatomy and Poses in Photoshop
Eddie Russell

Eddie is a content producer for Unity as well as a seasoned shading, texturing, lighting and rendering artist. He takes pride in helping creative professionals reach their learning goals.

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