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Implementing Message Brokering with Amazon MQ

This course will teach you to implement message brokering using Amazon MQ, including creating brokers and queues, sending and receiving messages, and monitoring/securing services.

Michael Heydt - Pluralsight course - Implementing Message Brokering with Amazon MQ
by Michael Heydt

What you'll learn

In this course, Implementing Messaging with Amazon MQ, you’ll learn to implement secure messaging with Amazon MQ, including securing and monitoring of those services. First, you’ll create brokers to use for sending and receiving messages. Next, you’ll discover how to send and receive messages in a Python application. Finally, you’ll learn how to secure communications, control access, and monitor the Amazon MQ services with CloudWatch. When you’re finished with this course, you will be able to implement, monitor, and secure messaging using AmazonMQ.

Table of contents

About the author

Michael Heydt - Pluralsight course - Implementing Message Brokering with Amazon MQ
Michael Heydt

Mike is a seasoned software developer, IT guy, cloud architect, IoT fanatic, and overall gadget hound. He is currently a freelance developer, DevOps engineer, author, trainer, and speaker.

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