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Transforming Robot Production Pipeline Volume 1: Concept and Design

In this tutorial, we will learn about the process of creating concept art for a transforming robot within a production pipeline. Software required: Photoshop CS5.

Eddie Russell - Pluralsight course - Transforming Robot Production Pipeline Volume 1: Concept and Design
by Eddie Russell

What you'll learn

In this tutorial, we will learn about the process of creating concept art for a transforming robot within a production pipeline. To get started, you should know that this course will focus on providing you with a high-level glimpse at my thought process in designing our robot. While we won't focus on painting every brush stroke, I will be walking you through each step, demonstrating techniques as well as providing insight into the process. First, we'll jump in and knock out some quick silhouette options to establish our robot's form and pose. After spending some time roughing in possible details for our silhouette, we will begin refining forms in grayscale. We will then learn about the coloring process for this project from base color all the way through finishing details. We'll wrap things up by learning about some final steps that are taken before handing our artwork to the next artist in the pipeline. After completing this course, you'll not only know how the concept art was painted, but you'll also understand the design decisions that were made leading up to our finished concept. Software required: Photoshop CS5.

Table of contents

About the author

Eddie Russell - Pluralsight course - Transforming Robot Production Pipeline Volume 1: Concept and Design
Eddie Russell

Eddie is a content producer for Unity as well as a seasoned shading, texturing, lighting and rendering artist. He takes pride in helping creative professionals reach their learning goals.

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