ZBrush FiberMesh Fundamentals
If you've ever wanted to create more believable layered Fibermesh Hair in Zbrush by working 'smart not hard', then this is the course for you!
What you'll learn
At the core of creating believable 3D hair for your character model is a thorough knowledge of Fibermesh. In this course, Zbrush Fibermesh Fundamentals, you'll learn how to create different hairstyles for different effects to help create a personality for your character. First, you'll learn how to understand areas of focus by using polypaint to accentuate different hair patterns on the head. Next, you'll explore masking and the parameters within the Fibermesh palette to adjust the length, thickness, and even distribution of the hairs on your mesh. Finally, you'll learn to use sections of hairs across multiple subtools layered into a single cohesive hairstyle for best effect. When you're finished with this course, you'll have a foundational knowledge of Zbrush Fibermesh that will help you move forward to create believable hair, big and small, to bring your characters to life! Software required: Zbrush 4R8.