Juliette Reinders Folmer

Juliette Reinders Folmer

Pluralsight Author
Juliette Reinders Folmer is an all round consultant and web-developer who tries not be a geek. Having started with client-side web development in 2000, she furtively tried to avoid server-side web until she was forced to learn PHP at knife-point in 2002 and found herself hooked quite quickly. As she herself would put it 'It is more fun than Sudoku, and just as challenging to get it right'. Juliette is a long-standing member of PHPWomen which helped her immensely to find her feet in the PHP world. She is ZCE, actively contributes to a number of open source projects, has published several articles, and speaks at conferences when given the chance. Juliette is self-employed and based in the Netherlands. When not working for customers, she is the project manager of the worldwide "Remember me when I'm gone" non-profit project or out raising funds for "Stop AIDS Now!".
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