Kevin Koekkoek
Pluralsight Author
Kevin Koekkoek is a maker and designer, born in Amsterdam who now lives in London. He studied as a fine wood worker, specializing in traditional furniture making. After his studies, Kevin got a job at an Architectural Model Making Company, where he worked for four years. Eventually, Kevin realized that he wanted his own clients, so he went freelance. Kevin's first clients were non profit art institutes, interior designers, set builders, Model Makers, and architects. The architects and Model Maker he worked for triggered his interest in 3D printing and 3D modeling, for non-architectural use. Kevin now helps artists and designers to transform their ideas into 3D CAD files that can then be 3D printed and incorporated into the artists' traditional workflow. Besides working for artists, Kevin also designs his own 3D products such as home decorations and jewelery. These pieces are a combination of digital manufacturing and hand crafting. Kevin also gives CAD and 3D printing workshops, and wrote the book '3D Printing Projects. 20 Designs for Your 3D Printer.'
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