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Learning Vagrant

Walk through an introduction to Vagrant and VirtualBox. This course teaches how to create Vargrant environments and use Vagrant features.

Elle Krout - Pluralsight course - Learning Vagrant
by Elle Krout

What you'll learn

Learning Vagrant introduces students to Vagrant, a virtual machine environment management tool. This course aims to provide even beginners both basic virtualization skills and knowledge and provide a working knowledge of Vagrant and its underlying default provider, VirtualBox. From our first `vagrant up`, we'll create reusable, customizable, and consistent development and test environments, learning how to sync files between host and guest, the network between virtual machines, and provision machines via configuration management tools, and more. We'll also explore using Vagrant as a container management platform through a series of related hands-on labs. When finished, the learner will be able to create Vagrant environments using a number of providers, provisions, and Vagrant features. They will also have the ability to apply core Vagrant skills to any additional plugins, provisioners, or providers they may need to use outside of this course.

Table of contents

About the author

Elle Krout - Pluralsight course - Learning Vagrant
Elle Krout

With a background at a cloud hosting company, I started learning Linux and DevOps from the bottom up as a technical writer set out to document configuration management systems. Falling in love with Linux, DevOps and tech as a whole, I eventually took my ability to explain technical concepts to wide audiences to the training area, creating courses on Red Hat, SaltStack, HashiCorp, LXD, Docker, and more.

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