- Lab
- A Cloud Guru
Linux User Management: Configuring Sudo
The `sudo` command, which stands for "super-user do" allows users to run commands with elevated access as the `root` user, or as another user. In this lab, students will learn to add a new user to the system, and configure `sudo` to allow the user to run commands as the super-user.
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Create userA and userB with the wheel Group as Their Secondary Group
# useradd -G wheel userA # useradd -G wheel userB
Add the wheel Group as a Secondary Group for the ec2-user. Since This User Is Already Configured on the System, Make Sure to Append the New Secondary Group as to Not Overwrite Prior Existing Secondary Groups
# usermod -aG wheel ec2-user
Verify All Users Are Part of the wheel Group
# groups userA userB ec2-user
Configure the wheel Group in /etc/sudoers. Since This Is Configured by Default to Provide Users in the wheel Group with root Access for All Commands, No Action Is Needed. Just Verify the Wheel Entry Exists and Is Uncommented
# visudo
Set the Password for userA and userB. Grep ec2-user from the /etc/shadow File and if a Password isn't Set, then Set One.
# passwd userA Password:
# passwd userB Password:
# grep ec2-user /etc/shadow
# passwd ec2-user Password:
Switch to Each User and Verify sudo Commands Are Executed by root
# su - userA $ sudo whoami $ exit
# su - userB $ sudo whoami $ exit
# su - ec2-user $ sudo whoami $ exit
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Guided walkthrough
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Did you know?
On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.