- Lab
- A Cloud Guru
Managing Users in Linux
In this lab, we are going to manage users and groups to get some practice using these utilities. Knowing how to manage users and permissions means our servers will be more secure. *This course is not approved or sponsored by Red Hat.*
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Add the Users to the Server
To add users to the system we can run
useradd <username>
So we would run
useradd tstark
useradd cdanvers
useradd dprince
Create the `superhero` Group
To create a new group we would run
groupadd <groupname>
So for this task
groupadd superhero
Set `wheel` Group as the the `tstark` Account's Primary Group
For this task we would run
like thisusermod -g wheel tstark
Add `superhero` as a Supplementary Group on All Three Users
There isn't an easy way to do this all at once, so we need to run the following command for each user
usermod -aG superhero <username>
usermod -aG superhero tstark
usermod -aG superhero dprince
usermod -aG superhero cdanvers
Lock the `dprince` Account
To lock an account all we have to do is run:
usermod -L dprince
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Did you know?
On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.