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- A Cloud Guru
Setting Up Docker Swarm
After years of running containers on a single Docker host, you’ve decided to migrate over to using Docker Swarm. Using Swarm will allow your clients to scale the number of containers up, as demand increases, and then down as demand dies off. Before you can do this, you first need to set up a Swarm cluster consisting of a manager and a worker node. Once setup is complete, create an Nginx service to test the cluster.
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Initialize the Swarm
On the manager node, initialize the swarm:
[cloud_user@manager]$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr [MANAGER_PRIVATE_IP]
Add the Worker to the Cluster
Add the worker to the cluster:
[cloud_user@worker]$ docker swarm join --token [TOKEN] [MANAGER_PRIVATE_IP]:2377
Create a Swarm Service
:[cloud_user@manager]$ docker service create -d --name nginx_service -p 8080:80 --replicas 2 nginx:latest
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Did you know?
On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.