- Lab
- A Cloud Guru
Using Packer and Ansible for Hardening
This lab facilitates learning by doing by utilizing Packer to create an AMI file that is staged in Amazon AWS. The Packer tool is used to run an Ansible role against the OS image to harden the image. The resulting AMI would then be available to specify when creating or upgrading Kubernetes clusters using installers such as kops.
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Table of Contents
Grab the AWS Keys and Install the Ansible Role
Verify the files in your home directory.
Verify that Ansible is installed.
Display the AWS credentials for your lab and copy to the clipboard for later use.
Generate an RSA key for use by the Ansible playbook to harden the OS system.
Hit Enter on the configuration prompts to save the RSA key to the default directory.
Create a default vpc for your lab instance.
Use the
script to install the sample playbook we will use in this lab.
Add the Keys to the Packer Script and Run the Packer Job
Edit the
file and paste in the previously copied AWS credentials as environmental variables. -
Save and exit the file.
Execute the Packer build.
Once provisioned, log into the AWS Management Console to view the created AMIs using the lab credentials provided.
Navigate to the EC2 dashboard.
On the left menu, select Instances.
Packer Builder
now has an instance state of terminated. -
On the left menu under Images, select AMIs. The newly created
image now appears.
What's a lab?
Hands-on Labs are real environments created by industry experts to help you learn. These environments help you gain knowledge and experience, practice without compromising your system, test without risk, destroy without fear, and let you learn from your mistakes. Hands-on Labs: practice your skills before delivering in the real world.
Provided environment for hands-on practice
We will provide the credentials and environment necessary for you to practice right within your browser.
Guided walkthrough
Follow along with the author’s guided walkthrough and build something new in your provided environment!
Did you know?
On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.