- Lab
- A Cloud Guru
Creating a NuGet Package Feed to Host Artifacts
In this hands-on lab, we will be learning how to utilize NuGet package feeds to host artifacts. This is an important concept because it can become cumbersome to manage artifacts from multiple locations. We will be accomplishing this task by creating a feed where we will push all local NuGet packages.
Path Info
Table of Contents
Create VM with Visual Studio and Create a Feed
- Log in to the Azure Portal.
- Create a new virtual machine using the Visual Studio Community 2017(Latest release)on Windows Server 2016 image.
- Log in to the Azure DevOps portal.
- Create a project named "LinuxAcademy-Artifacts".
- Create an artifact feed named "Feed-LA".
Create and Publish Your Own NuGet Package
- Download the latest Nuget.exe and add it to the virtual machine.
- Open up Visual Studio, and create a new .NET Standard project named, "NugetTestPackage".
- Build the project.
- Using the feed URL and package path, push the package.
- Go back to the Azure DevOps Portal and verify that the feed was pushed successfully.
Add the Feed to Your NuGet Configuration
- In Visual Studio, add the
URL as aPackage Source
- In Visual Studio, add the
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