- Lab
- A Cloud Guru
Creating a Cost-Optimized Solution Using Retention Policies and Bucket Policy Locks
You work for Acloud Medical Center as an engineer. They have a lot of customer files that will need to be stored and retained in compliance with the federal government's requirements. Your team wants you to use cloud storage and create a scenario where, when they upload their objects, the objects in the bucket cannot be deleted at all for the time specified. This is a huge project, and you need to make sure your setup actually works before any customer files are uploaded.
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Create the Bucket and Retention Policy
Head over to Cloud storage and click on Buckets.
To protect your object data, choose Retention policy, and we will retain objects for one day.
For data encryption, we will use the Google manage encryption key
Click Create.
Choose Confirm and Enforce public access prevention on the bucket.
Upload Object and Test Retention Policy
Click Upload Files to upload an object to your bucket.
Click on Delete for the object. Then try to delete the object.
Use the arrow on the top left to return to the bucket. Choose Delete and try to delete the bucket.
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