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MotionLayout & Motion Editor

Droidcon SF 2019 | MotionLayout & Motion Editor | Nicolas Roard and John Hoford

droidcon SF - Pluralsight course - MotionLayout & Motion Editor
by droidcon SF

What you'll learn

MotionLayout is a new class in ConstraintLayout 2.0 that dramatically simplifies the creation of animations, particularly related to handling motion and touch events. In this session, Nicolas Roard and John Hoford will cover what the library is capable of, where it makes sense to use it, and how to take advantage of the upcoming Motion Editor in Android Studio to quickly add motion to your application.

Table of contents

About the author

droidcon SF - Pluralsight course - MotionLayout & Motion Editor
droidcon SF

droidcon SF is where the industry's leading Android experts converge to support the Android platform and create a strong network for developers and companies.

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