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Designing & Kickstarting Your Skills Impact Career Vision

In this session, Angela Payne will explore career transformation invitations as participants redesign and kickstart their professional skill impact vision using principles of user-centered design.

Experience Summit - Pluralsight course - Designing & Kickstarting Your Skills Impact Career Vision
by Experience Summit

What you'll learn

In this session, Angela Payne will explore career transformation invitations as participants redesign and kickstart their professional skill impact vision using principles of user-centered design. The learning objective outline is: Exploring the Digital Transformation landscape for career transformation invitations, crafting a career transformation vision using principles of user-centered design, setting skill development goals aligned to a career transformation vision, and kickstarting skill development using speed networking.

Table of contents

About the author

Experience Summit - Pluralsight course - Designing & Kickstarting Your Skills Impact Career Vision
Experience Summit

Experience Summit is an annual opportunity to bring all Pluralsight Experience folks together so they can connect with, learn from, and inspire one another through talks, workshops, and shenanigans.

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