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Designing Change: Front 2019

Front UX & Product Management Case Study Conference | Designing Change | Matt Strom

Front - Pluralsight course - Designing Change: Front 2019
by Front

What you'll learn

Great companies are defined by their ability to change. Apple changed when they re-hired Steve Jobs. Microsoft changed when they embraced open-source software. Amazon changed when they started selling groceries, and then cloud computing, and then original TV shows. It is easy to imagine these changes as grand strategic moves, carefully planned and executed by a handful of luminaries. Lasting, meaningful change comes from many small, focused improvements over time. With patience, just one person can make a substantial impact in even the largest organizations. Think about something you’d like to change. It might be overwhelming, but be bold. The bigger, the better. What Matt Strom would like to do is help you start making that change. The good news is that Matt's job is easy - Nobody is better at changing than designers and product managers. With the right tools, you can make focused, meaningful improvements to your company’s process, culture, or products. In this talk, Matt Strom will share how writing design principles with your team sets the stage, tell you how great feedback can fuel change, and share stories of big changes he's made, like radically improving the Wall Street Journal’s approach to accessibility. By the end, you’ll be able to go back to work and start changing your team for the better, whether you’re a tenured manager or a brand new hire.

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About the author

Front - Pluralsight course - Designing Change: Front 2019

The product case study conference and boot camp for product managers and UX designers in Salt Lake City and Park City.

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