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Human Behavior for Technical People

In this course I will walk you through the basics of personality psychology.

Edin Kapic - Pluralsight course - Human Behavior for Technical People
by Edin Kapic

What you'll learn

One of the main lessons at the workplace is learning how to work with people who are so different than you. Usually we don't pay much attention to it and slowly begin to internally label other people with stereotypes such as "gossip girl," "the workaholic," "the perfectionist," etc. What we fail to realize is that different people see the world with different eyes.

Table of contents

About the author

Edin Kapic - Pluralsight course - Human Behavior for Technical People
Edin Kapic

Edin Kapic is a SharePoint MVP, Architect, Tinker and Geek in Spenta consulting, and the MCT Regional Lead for Spain.

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