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Creating Intelligent Families in Revit

Throughout these lessons, we will utilize Revit Architecture to create families that use advanced parameters and formula to add intelligent behavior. Software required: Revit 2015.

Quintus Smit - Pluralsight course - Creating Intelligent Families in Revit
by Quintus Smit

What you'll learn

Throughout these lessons, we will utilize Revit Architecture to create families that use advanced parameters and formula to add intelligent behavior. These behaviors will allow the families to adjust based on specific situations. By adding these types of behaviors this will allow for fast design iterations and the re-use of families, which translates to time saving design and tight control over family management. Software required: Revit 2015.

Table of contents

About the author

Quintus Smit - Pluralsight course - Creating Intelligent Families in Revit
Quintus Smit

Quintus is a lecturer and freelance software instructor at numerous training centers, Colleges, Universities, and Schools.

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