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Creating Interior Visualizations in 3ds Max

In this tutorial, we will learn about creating interior visualizations from start to finish. Software required: 3ds Max 2012, V-Ray 2.20.02, Adobe Photoshop CS5.

What you'll learn

In this tutorial, we will learn about creating interior visualizations from start to finish. Through these lessons we will learn the whole process of making interior visualizations. We will start by modeling the walls before modeling the floor with Floor Generator, a free plugin. We'll then model the rest of the furniture. After modeling, we are going to create lighting in our scene for the final render. We'll finish our project by looking at how to make small adjustments in Photoshop to make our colors look better. Software required: 3ds Max 2012, V-Ray 2.20.02, Adobe Photoshop CS5.

Table of contents