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What's New in Prism 5.0

by Brian Lagunas

What's New in Prism 5.0 covers all the breaking changes, new features, and new assemblies in the newest release of Microsoft Patterns and Practices Prism 5.0 library.

What you'll learn

What's New in Prism 5.0 covers all the breaking changes, new features, and new assemblies in the newest release of Microsoft Patterns and Practices Prism 5.0 library. This course will tell you the new dependencies your applications will require. We will also discuss the breaking changes, deprecated objects, and new objects you should use, how to upgrade your existing applications, and all the new features and functionality that has been added to Prism 5.0.

About the author

Brian Lagunas is a Microsoft MVP, a Microsoft Patterns & Practices Champion, Director of Technology for INETA, co-leader of the Boise .Net Developers User Group (NETDUG), board member of Boise Code Camp, speaker, trainer, author, and original creator of the Extended WPF Toolkit. He is a multi-recipient of the Microsoft Community Contributor Award and can be found speaking at a variety of user groups and code camps around the world. His talks always involve some form of XAML, such as WPF, Silverl... more

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