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Final Practice Review RHCE8

The Red Hat Certified Engineer, or EX 294, exam is one of the most highly regarded exams in the Linux world. The skills you learn while preparing for the exam will not only prepare you to pass the exam itself, but also to perform real-world activities in a real production environment. Instead of a multiple-choice test, the exam takes place in a real environment. This makes the RHCE an extremely desirable certification. This hands-on lab will walk you through similar scenarios to those you may find on the exam and will provide insight to the preparations you need to make to pass the exam. This practice exam should not necessarily be used as a study guide, but as a readiness indicator. *This course is not approved or sponsored by Red Hat.*

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Path Info

Clock icon Advanced
Clock icon 2h 45m
Clock icon Oct 31, 2019

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Set up /etc/ansible/hosts

    Use the credentials and public IP address provided on the hands-on lab page to get into Server1 (The host instance). Since we need root privileges, let's just run sudo -i right off and become root.

    Our inventory file should look something like this:

  2. Challenge

    Set up SSH Keys

    First you need to generate a key with:


    Then you can copy it over to webserver1 with the command:

    ssh-copy-id ansible@webserver1

    Repeat this with the other two servers, using the cloud_user password for the ansible user.

  3. Challenge

    Set up sudoers

    Log into webserver1 as cloud_user:


    Now run sudo visudo and add the following line to the end of the file:

    ansible ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

    Run exit to get out of this server, and then repeat the process for dbserver1 and adminserver1.

    Once that's done, test with:

    ssh ansible@webserver1

    Once you're in, try a sudo command:

    sudo tail /var/log/messages

    Then get out with exit again, and get ready for the next task.

  4. Challenge

    Write a Playbook to Install httpd, but Only on Web Servers

    Your playbook, httpd.yml, should look something like this:

    - name: Install httpd on webservers
      hosts: webservers
      # This encompasses everything in the webservers group.
      # We can also just have a single host name here, like webserver1.
      become: yes
       - yum:
          name: httpd
          state: present
       - service:
          name: httpd
          state: started
          enabled: yes
  5. Challenge

    Use an Ad hoc Command to Install tcpdump on AdminServer1

    The simplest ad-hoc command here would be:

    ansible -m yum -a "name=tcpdump state=present" adminserver1 --become
  6. Challenge

    Use the LVM Module in a Playbook to Set up the Disk Attached to DBServer1

    Your playbook, disk.yml, should look similar to the following:

    - name: lvol
      hosts: dbservers
      # This encompasses everything in the dbservers group.
      # We can also just have a single host name here, like dbserver1.
      become: yes
      - name: LVG create
         vg: RHCE
         pvs: /dev/xvdg
      - name: Logical Volume Setup
         lv: AppDB2
         vg: RHCE
         size: 10G
         pvs: /dev/xvdg
         state: present
      - name: Format the disk
         dev: /dev/RHCE/AppDB2
         fstype: xfs
      - name: Mount the disk
         fstype: xfs
         src: /dev/RHCE/AppDB2
         state: mounted
         path: /mnt/dbdata

    Now run it with ansible-playbook disk.yml

  7. Challenge

    Create the Users adam, john, sara, and sam on All Servers

    There are a lot of ways to tackle this problem. One method is to use with_items. Create and edit users.yml:

    - name: Create Users
      hosts: all
      become: yes
       - name: Create users
          name: "{{ item }}"
          - adam
          - john
          - sara
          - sam

    Now run it with ansible-playbook users.yml

  8. Challenge

    Write a Bash Script That Will Collect the Required Ansible Information

    We want to get each host's Ansible facts and dump the information into respective text files. So you've got to write a script, facts.sh, that will query each one and put its relevant info into a text file. The script should look something like the following:

    for i in webserver1 dbserver1 adminserver1
            ansible -m setup $i > /tmp/$i\_facts

    Make the script executable (chmod +x facts.sh) and run it with ./facts.sh. Now, to check, run ls /tmp, which should show a file that corresponds to each of those three hosts.

  9. Challenge

    Create an SSH Configuration File and Distribute It

    Edit the ssh.tmpl file sitting in /root and alter the two relevant lines (starting with PasswordAuthentication and X11Forwarding). There are a few lines separating them. They should look similar to this:

    PasswordAuthentication {{ PAanswer }}
    X11Forwarding {{ X11Answer }}

    And the playbook, ssh.yml, to apply the template should look like this:

    - name: Review Task 9
      hosts: all:!admins
      become: yes
       PAanswer: "no"
       X11Answer: "no"
       - name: Apply Template
          src: /root/ssh.tmpl
          dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
          validate: /sbin/sshd -t -f %s
       - name: Restart SSHD
          name: sshd
          state: restarted
    - name: Review Task 9b
      hosts: admins
      become: yes
       PAanswer: "no"
       X11Answer: "yes"
       - name: Apply template
          src: /root/ssh.tmpl
          dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
          validate: /sbin/sshd -t -f %s
       - name: Restart SSHD
          name: sshd
          state: restarted

    Now run it with ansible-playbook ssh.yml.

  10. Challenge

    Create the Two Roles

    The commands to create custom roles are:

    ansible-galaxy init web
    ansible-galaxy init database
  11. Challenge

    Configure the database Role and Encrypt the Password File

    First, get into the files subdirectory of the database directory:

    cd database/files

    Create a password file that contains the following:

    This is a password

    Encrypt it with this:

    ansible-vault encrypt password

    Enter a password that you won't forget. To check your work, run cat password and make sure that the file is in fact encrypted.

    Now get into the tasks directory:

    cd ../tasks

    Edit main.yml. It should look like this when you're done:

    # tasks file for database
    - name: Ensure user is created
       name: dba
    - name: Copy password file
       src: password
       dest: /home/dba

    Now go back to your home directory (with cd) and create db.yml. It should look like this when you're done:

    - hosts: dbservers
        - database

    Now run it with ansible-playbook db.yml --become --ask-vault-pass. Enter the password you set in the ansible-vault encrypt password command you ran earlier, and this should work.

  12. Challenge

    Configure the web Role and Ensure It Deploys Correctly

    From the web directory, open the main.yml file in the tasks directory. It should look like this when we're finished:

    # tasks file for web
    - name: Populate index.html
       path: /var/www/html/index.html
       create: yes
       line: "{{ inventory_hostname }} {{ansible_facts['all_ipv4_addresses'] }}"
    - name: Install httpd
       name: httpd
       state: present
    - name: Start httpd
       name: httpd
       state: started
       enabled: yes

    Now go back to your home directory (with cd) and write a quick role deployment routine (web.yml). It should look like this:

    - hosts: webservers
       - web

    Run the playbook with ansible-playbook web.yml --become. To test if it all went well, run curl webserver1. We should get back the name of the server and relevant IP addresses (what we asked for in the ansible_facts['all_ipv4_addresses part of the web/tasks.yml playbook.

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Hands-on Labs are real environments created by industry experts to help you learn. These environments help you gain knowledge and experience, practice without compromising your system, test without risk, destroy without fear, and let you learn from your mistakes. Hands-on Labs: practice your skills before delivering in the real world.

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