- Lab
- Cloud

Implementing Health Checks in a Kubernetes Application
Kubernetes health checks provide a deeper level of control over how Kubernetes detects the state of your application containers. In this lab, you will work closely with health checks using Kubernetes probes to fine-tune how Kubernetes manages containers.

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Table of Contents
Add a Liveness Probe
Deployment can be found in thehive
Namespace.Edit the Deployment so that the containers are automatically restarted whenever they begin responding to HTTP requests with an error status code.
The container application listens on port
, and you can use the root path/
to test whether the bug is occurring. -
Add a Readiness Probe
You can find the
in thehive
Namespace.Edit this Deployment and add a probe that will verify that the application can execute command-line commands before the container is considered ready.
You can use a simple command like
echo This is a test!
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