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Monitor Systems for Vital Characteristics

In this exercise, you will need to configure monitoring on a system with Performance Co-Pilot. *This course is not approved or sponsored by Red Hat.*

Google Cloud Platform icon

Path Info

Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 1h 30m
Clock icon Apr 04, 2019

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Install Performance Co-Pilot.

    Install pcp and pcp-system-tools.

    Enable and start the pmcd and pmlogger services.

  2. Challenge

    Take a baseline of CPU load.

    Take a baseline of the kernel.all.load metric for 10 seconds and put this into the file /home/cloud_user/kernel.all.load.txt.

    You can do this using the pmval or pmrep command:

    pmval -T 10s kernel.all.load > /home/cloud_user/kernel.all.load.txt


    pmrep -T 10s kernel.all.load > /home/cloud_user/kernel.all.load.txt
  3. Challenge

    Take a baseline of disk I/O.

    Take a baseline of the disk.partitions.total_rawactive metric for 10 seconds and put this into the file /home/cloud_user/disk.partitions.total_rawactive.txt.

    You can do this using the pmval or pmrep command:

    pmval -T 10s disk.partitions.total_rawactive > /home/cloud_user/disk.partitions.total_rawactive.txt


    pmrep -T 10s disk.partitions.total_rawactive > /home/cloud_user/disk.partitions.total_rawactive.txt
  4. Challenge

    Generate some disk I/O and CPU load.

    By now, pmlogger has been running for a few minutes. Generate some load so that we can look at it in the archive.

    Before and after each of the commands that generate load, make a note of the system time. You can do so using the command:


    Generate some CPU load

    Run the following command to generate some CPU load for 1 minute:

    date && timeout -sHUP 1m openssl speed

    Generate some disk I/O

    Run the following command to generate some disk I/O:

    date && fallocate -l 1G /home/cloud_user/bigfile && shred -zvu -n 1 /home/cloud_user/bigfile

    Make a note of the start and end times from the commands above. We'll need them to know when to look for the increases in resource usages.

  5. Challenge

    Verify the CPU and disk load in the pcp archive file.

    Get the pcp archive file:

    pcp | grep logger

    Look in the archive log directory and make note of the archive files:

    ls -lh /var/log/pcp/pmlogger/ip-10-0-1-10.ec2.internal/

    Depending on how long you've taken to do these tasks, the archive log may have rolled over to a new file. The format of the filename is YYYYMMDD.HH.MM. Using your notes of when you ran the CPU and disk I/O commands, determine which file to use.

    Display the kernel.all.load values from the selected archive log in 1 minute increments:

    Note: You can use pmval or pmrep here, with these particular metrics, I find pmrep to be easier to read.

    pmrep -t 1m -a /var/log/pcp/pmlogger/ip-10-0-1-10.ec2.internal/<FILE> kernel.all.load

    Display the disk.partitions.total_rawactive values from the selected archive log in 1 minute increments:

    pmrep -t 1m -a /var/log/pcp/pmlogger/ip-10-0-1-10.ec2.internal/<FILE> disk.partitions.total_rawactive

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