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RH342 Practice Exam

This is the RH342 Practice Exam. It is based on RedHat 7.7. *This course is not approved or sponsored by Red Hat.*

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Path Info

Clock icon Advanced
Clock icon 4h 0m
Clock icon Apr 04, 2019

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Debug an application.

    On HostA, there is an application /root/example_app - troubleshoot and resolve this application so that it will run successfully.

  2. Challenge

    Test an application for a memory leak.

    On HostA, test the application /root/memleak_test_app for a memory leak. If a memory leak is detected, remove the executable bit from the application.

  3. Challenge

    Manage a kernel module.

    On HostA, configure the module nf_conntrack to enable timestamping of network flows. This change should persist through a reboot. Any services stopped to make this change should be restarted.

  4. Challenge

    Upgrade a package.

    On HostA, upgrade Apache (httpd) to the latest version and apply version control to limit future upgrades.

  5. Challenge

    Resolve SELinux issues.

    On HostA, resolve any issues starting the Apache (httpd) service, or issues viewing the content. The existing web content and configuration should not be modified.

  6. Challenge

    Resolve authentication issues.

    On HostA, the LDAP/Kerberos user testuser01 should be able to log in and obtain a Kerberos ticket using the password welcome1.

  7. Challenge

    Monitor system for vital characteristics.

    On HostA, there is a Performance Co-Pilot archive file: /root/archive.tgz. What was the 1 min kernel load at 17:19:46?

    Enter the value as a number into /root/load.txt. For example, if the load was 7.700, the command would be:

    echo "7.700" > /root/load.txt

  8. Challenge

    Recover data from a corrupted file system.

    On HostB, recover the data from the filesystem mounted at /storage.
    The integrity of the files on the filesystem must be preserved.

  9. Challenge

    Recover data from a broken LVM configuration.

    On HostB, troubleshoot and resolve the LVM issues preventing the data on /lvm_mount from being accessed.
    The integrity of the files on the filesystem must be preserved.

  10. Challenge

    Recover data from an encrypted file system.

    On HostB, troubleshoot and resolve the issues preventing the data located at /luks from being accessed. The integrity of the files on the filesystem must be preserved. There is a backup header file located in /root/.

  11. Challenge

    Troubleshoot issues affecting service start.

    On HostB, start the Performance Co-Pilot service and configure it to start automatically upon reboot.

  12. Challenge

    Troubleshoot system resource consumption.

    On HostC, something is consuming an excessive amount of CPU load. Prevent whatever it is from being executable in the future.

  13. Challenge

    Troubleshoot an application.

    On HostC, troubleshoot and resolve the issue affecting the use of the dig command.

  14. Challenge

    Troubleshoot service authentication.

    On HostC, troubleshoot and resolve the issue preventing cloud_user from listing the local Samba shares. Do not modify the existing Samba configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf.

    Username: cloud_user

    Password: welcome1

  15. Challenge

    Troubleshoot iSCSI.

    HostC is an iSCSI target. Troubleshoot issues preventing HostD from accessing the target. HostD should successfully be able negotiate the iSCSI connection and attach to the block device.

  16. Challenge

    Configure remote logging.

    Configure HostC as a remote log server for HostD. The connection should be over the standard TCP port.

  17. Challenge

    Troubleshoot RPM issues.

    HostD has a corrupt RPM database. Troubleshoot and resolve this issue.

  18. Challenge

    Troubleshoot networking.

    Step 1

    Troubleshoot any networking issues preventing HostD from accessing the Apache content on HostA at http://ip-10-0-1-10/index.html

    Step 2

    There is a packet capture file located at /root/packet.cap. Examine this file and discern the password used by testuser01. Enter this password as a single line into the file /root/passwd.txt.

    Example: echo "password" >> /root/passwd.txt

  19. Challenge

    Examine and retrieve information from an sosreport.

    On HostD, examine the sosreport located at /root/sosreport-ip-10-0-1-11-2019-03-22-wxoxhnk.tar.xz and determine the LDAP hostname the host attempted to bind to.

    Enter the name of this hostname as a single line in /root/test.txt.

    Example: echo "server.example.com" >> /root/test.txt

  20. Challenge

    Assist in providing information for third-party investigation.

    On HostD, permit cloud_user to run example.stp as a module named cloud_tap.

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