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Creating a blended learning experience with Bedu

Pluralsight and Bedu have partnered to provide Bedu students access to the Pluralsight platform. This partnership allows Bedu students to combine Bedu’s expert instructors with Pluralsight courses, Skill IQ and more. 

Bedu offers in-person training to help skill up developers, and this Pluralsight benefit will be offered as a supplementary resource to their Bedu bootcamp training. Along with the full Pluralsight course library, users will also have access to channels that have been curated specifically for Bedu learners to help skilling up across Python, JavaScript, React and more.




Additional information about this partnership:

What is Pluralsight?

Your career is defined by what you know and how well you know it.

With our platform, you can benchmark and prove your knowledge, keep up with emerging trends and build in-demand skills in areas like DevOps, machine learning, cloud, security and infrastructure.