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Communication and Stakeholder Management

Course Summary

The Communication and Stakeholder Management training course will teach students how communication works and how to prevent misunderstandings. The course will explore some proactive tools and techniques to set projects up for success. It also covers how to apply those tools to work environments to bolster effectiveness as a Project Manager (PM). Communication and stakeholder management are arguably the most important areas to master. Interestingly enough, although we spend 90% of our time communicating on projects, most PMs acknowledge improving communication skills will build stronger relationships with stakeholders.

The course begins with a student discussion on communication challenges. From there, students will learn about the communication model, take a communication assessment, and create a communication plan. The training course concludes with identifying the effectiveness of meetings, reporting, and developing an action plan.

Learn how to improve relationships with stakeholders and enhance communications.
Project Managers wanting to improve communications skills and stakeholder management.
Business Analyst - Project Manager - Technical Manager
1 Day
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Productivity Objectives
  • Explain the complexity of communication
  • Develop plans for more effective communication
  • Identify your strengths and opportunities for improving your communication
  • Formulate mutually rewarding, productive relationships with key stakeholders

What You'll Learn:

In the Communication and Stakeholder Management training course, you'll learn:
  • Discuss Communication Challenges
  • Understand the Communication Model
  • Communication Assessment
  • Create a Communication Plan
  • Identify the Effectiveness of Meetings
  • Analyze Meetings and Reports
  • Handling Stakeholders
  • Develop an Action Plan
“I appreciated the instructor's technique of writing live code examples rather than using fixed slide decks to present the material.”


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