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Introduction to Elm

Course Summary

The Introduction to Elm training course is designed to demonstrate how to write programs in the Elm language and compile them to JavaScript.

The course begins by reviewing the functional programming and the performance benefits of Elm and Reactive programming. Next, it explores Elm tooling and the basic syntax of the language. The course concludes by explaining currying and Higher Order functions as well as transpiling to and from JavaScript.

Prerequisites: The course would be valuable for developers and developer teams who have some JavaScript-fatigue and perhaps, prefer the functional programming paradigm.

Learn how to develop programs in the Elm language and compile them to JavaScript.
Developers with experience in JavaScript and related libraries.
Software Developer - Web Developer
Skill Level
Hack-a-thon - Learning Spikes - Workshops
2 Days
Related Technologies
JavaScript | Elm


Productivity Objectives
  • Describe the essential parts of Reactive and Functional Programming
  • Utilize Elm's syntax properly to write basic programs
  • Install Elm Related Tooling
  • Transpile between Elm and JavaScript

What You'll Learn:

In the Introduction to Elm training course, you'll learn:
  • Introduction Elm Programming Language
    • Explanation of the Elm
    • Competitors to Elm
    • The need of functional over imperative on the front end
    • Performance of Elm
    • Reactive Programming
  • Elm Tooling
    • elm-repl
    • elm-reactor
    • elm-make
    • elm-package
  • Elm Language Basic
    • Comments numbers, assignments, Boolean and characters
    • Lists
    • Let
    • Functional Conditions
    • Tuples
  • Elm Functions
    • Basic functions
    • Infix functions
  • Elm Modules
    • Create a module
    • Import modules
  • Elm Advanced Functions
    • Higher Order Functions
    • Backward and forward function application
    • Function composition
    • Currying
  • Types
    • Union Types
    • Maybe
    • Records and record types
  • The Elm Architecture
  • Simple Elm Programs
    • Model
    • View
    • Update
  • Advanced Elm Programs
    • Tasks
    • Commands
    • Subscriptions
  • Embedding Elm
    • JavaScript to Elm
    • Elm to JavaScript
“I appreciated the instructor's technique of writing live code examples rather than using fixed slide decks to present the material.”


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