Get FREE access to the technology learning platform

To recognize you as a top technology VIP, we’d like to give you a complimentary, one-year subscription to Pluralsight. 

Unlock unlimited access to a technology learning platform that covers everything from virtualization and security to SQL Server and JavaScript.

With Pluralsight, you can:

  • Keep your skills sharp with access to thousands of on-demand courses
  • Measure your skills and showcase your expertise with assessments that take five minutes or less
  • Tailor your learning experience with personalized channels
  • Dig into a critical topic or troubleshoot a key solution with a technical guide

Why Pluralsight?

At Pluralsight, we believe everyone should have the opportunity to create progress through technology and develop the skills of tomorrow. Our platform helps businesses and individuals close skills gaps in critical areas, innovate faster and deliver on key objectives.

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