Annapurna Siddhartha
Annapurna is a full stack developer, who has now been playing around with Kotlin, PHP, jQuery, CSS, and HTML. She is a software engineer from India and likes teaching and has years of experience in web and mobile development. She is one of the trainers in the Google Developers Group at Bhubaneswar, Odisha in India and also the lead of the Google WomenTechMaker Group Bhubaneswar. Besides all this, she practices yoga and meditation, YouTubing, and hanging out with friends. You are definitely going to get the best of quality here from her. Stay tuned and keep smiling!
Courses Authored
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Software Development
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Courses by Annapurna
CourseWorking with Date and Time in PHPBeginner2h 16mJun 25, 2021
CourseCookies and Sessions in PHPIntermediate2h 6mFeb 16, 2021
CoursePHP Design PatternsIntermediate1h 19mFeb 14, 2020
CourseAndroid: SQLite FundamentalsBeginner1h 59mNov 25, 2019
CourseConsuming a REST API with Guzzle and PHPIntermediate1h 26mAug 29, 2019
CourseAndroid: Room FundamentalsBeginner2h 26mDec 07, 2018