Marcus Hammarberg
Pluralsight Author
I have been a programmer since 1998 and consultant since about 2000. During this time I have often led small agile teams, often in big non-agile organizations. This clash of thoughts has taught me a lot and I have had to learn and apply a lot of different techniques to make agile work in practice. Lately I have been involved in a couple of large scale agile roll-outs in such organizations. I have worked at a number of banks and insurance companies, but also at Swedish Ebay and Spotify - as an agile coach.
Even though I'm brought up in Microsoft land (doing C++, VB6, C# etc.) I have early and often looked into OSS land. This has led me to venture into other languages and platforms too. Right now I’m jazzed about Node and especially Koa Js.
Also right now, I work for the Salvation Army in Indonesia, where I moved with my family in 2014.
Topics Authored
Software Development
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Courses by Marcus
No labs authored.
Core TechIntroduction to npm 12 as a Build ToolRETIREDCore TechBeginner
1h 37m 46s
Jun 20, 2024
Core TechIntroduction to Koa JavascriptRETIREDCore TechIntermediate
2h 3m 55s
Jul 09, 2019
Core Techio.js and Node.js Next: Getting StartedRETIREDCore TechIntermediate
42m 57s
Jul 08, 2019