Mark Seemann
Mark Seemann is a Danish programmer based in Copenhagen, Denmark. His professional interests include object-oriented development, functional programming, and software architecture, as well as software development in general. Apart from writing a book about Dependency Injection he has also written numerous articles and blog posts about related topics.
Despite being a .NET programmer he takes most of his inspiration from sources across a wide range of technologies, including lots of pattern books.
Originally poised to become a rock star or (failing that) graphic novelist (in the European tradition) he one day found himself with insufficient talent for either, a master’s degree in Economics, and a desire for working with computers. He has been doing the latter intermittently since 1995.
When not working with software or spending time with his family, Mark enjoys reading, drawing and painting, listening to and playing music, as well as preparing or consuming gourmet food and wine.
Courses Authored
Topics Authored
Software Development
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Courses by Mark
CourseEncapsulation and SOLIDRETIREDIntermediate5h 10mJan 13, 2023
CourseAdvanced Unit TestingRETIREDAdvanced3h 1mJul 31, 2021
CourseA Functional Architecture with F#RETIREDIntermediate2h 28mJul 31, 2021
CourseType-Driven Development with F#RETIREDIntermediate3h 56mJul 31, 2021
CourseIntroduction to Property-based Testing with F#RETIREDIntermediate1h 34mJul 31, 2021
CourseUnit Testing with F#RETIREDBeginner1h 32mJul 31, 2021
CourseTest-Driven Development with F#RETIREDIntermediate2h 17mJul 31, 2021
CourseOutside-In Test-Driven DevelopmentRETIREDIntermediate2h 27mApr 08, 2021