After Effects CC Rendering
In After Effects CC, rendering is the process of exporting your composition and creating a playable movie file. This course will teach you how to increase the quality of your renders, and the speed of your rendering workflow. Software required: After Effects CC
What you'll learn
Rendering is the process of exporting your composition and creating a playable movie file. When you preview your composition in After Effects to check your work, you are also rendering. In this course, After Effects CC Rendering, you'll be learning how to speed up your workflow in After Effects CC by learning techniques to increase the quality and speed of your RAM previews, pre-renders, and your final exports. First, you'll explore the preview settings, behaviors and controls, and how to optimize the Media and Disk Cache in order to produce smoother previews more quickly. Next, you'll discover how to render using the Render Queue and Adobe Media Encoder, along with the various settings. Then, you'll cover some of the different file types and which ones support alpha channels, along with the various codecs available and why you would choose them. Finally, you'll learn the difference between the Classic 3D, Ray-traced 3D, and the Cinema 4D composition renderers. By the end of this course, you'll know how to optimize your project settings in order to generate quicker previews. Software required: After Effects CC