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Introduction to Microsoft Azure Compute

This course introduces Azure's IaaS, PaaS, and FaaS compute offerings and how to choose the product or service that best fits your needs.

Orion Withrow - Pluralsight course - Introduction to Microsoft Azure Compute
by Orion Withrow

What you'll learn

In this course, *Introduction to Microsoft Azure Compute*, you’ll learn about all the different Azure compute services. In addition, you will contemplate the best compute option to meet your needs. First, you’ll explore Azure's Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings, or more specifically the different options to deploy one (or many) virtual machines in Azure. Next, you’ll discover the Platform as a Service (PaaS) capabilities of Azure, including Azure App Services and containers. Finally, you’ll learn about a much newer category of compute called Function as a Service (FaaS), which can empower you to run and manage application packages as functions directly on Azure, without the need for managing any infrastructure. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a solid foundational knowledge of Azure's compute offerings and everything you need to select the best Azure compute product or service to meet your requirements.

Table of contents

About the author

Orion Withrow - Pluralsight course - Introduction to Microsoft Azure Compute
Orion Withrow

Hello Gurus! My name is Orion Withrow, and I am an Azure Training Architect here at A Cloud Guru. I'm excited to have the opportunity to create fun and engaging educational content to help you enhance your IT knowledge. I've worked in technology for my entire life! As a little boy, electronics have always piqued my interest. I used to take computers apart just to learn everything I could about how they worked. I didn't always get them back together correctly, but I tried! I began my career by serving in the US Army. After leaving the Army, I worked with both Cisco Networking and Windows Servers for several years. Since 2015, I have specialized in Microsoft Azure.

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