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Managing Azure SQL Database for the SQL Server DBA

This course will teach you how to take advantage of your existing SQL Server skills and learn about the service and consumption models, security configurations, common management tasks, high availability and disaster recovery, and performance monitoring of Azure SQL Database.

Warner Chaves - Pluralsight course - Managing Azure SQL Database for the SQL Server DBA
by Warner Chaves

What you'll learn

In this course, *Managing Azure SQL Database for the SQL Server DBA*, you’ll learn how to take advantage of your existing SQL Server skills to build your Azure SQL Database expertise. First, you’ll explore the different service and consumption models in the service. Next, you’ll discover security, connectivity, high availability, and disaster recovery settings exposed by this cloud database. You will then learn how to migrate SQL Server databases to Azure SQL Database and vice versa. Finally, you’ll learn how to monitor and alert on the performance of your Azure SQL database. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll be able to confidently apply your SQL Server experience to building or migrating a database solution to the cloud into Azure SQL Database.

Table of contents

About the author

Warner Chaves - Pluralsight course - Managing Azure SQL Database for the SQL Server DBA
Warner Chaves

Warner is a SQL Server Certified Master, MVP, and Solutions Architect at Pythian, a global Canada-based company specializing in data and infrastructure services. A brief stint in .NET programming led to his early DBA formation, working for enterprise customers in Hewlett-Packard's ITO organization. From HP he transitioned to his current position at Pythian, managing multiple clients of different sizes and industries. He leads a highly-talented team of data professionals that keep things running smooth and innovate with all kinds of data solutions. When he's not working out of his office in Ottawa, Ontario, he can be found on the sandy beaches of his home country of Costa Rica.

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