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Security for Hackers and Developers: Overview

Enterprises around the world are concerned about cyber security. This course will teach you the fundamentals of information security applicable in any software development discipline.

Dr. Jared DeMott - Pluralsight course - Security for Hackers and Developers: Overview
by Dr. Jared DeMott

What you'll learn

Enterprises around the world have identified cyber security as a top concern. Security vulnerabilities leave companies open to hacking and security breaches. This course will teach you tools to fight against security vulnerabilities and attacks. You'll learn the fundamentals of software security and a security-centered software development process, where bugs typically live and how to find them, and specific techniques such as manual and automated code reviews. When you're finished with this training course, you'll understand the major security domains and have some ideas for securing your software that you can apply right away.

Table of contents

About the author

Dr. Jared DeMott - Pluralsight course - Security for Hackers and Developers: Overview
Dr. Jared DeMott

Dr. Jared DeMott is an engineer, entrepreneur, and security leader. He holds a PhD from Michigan State University. He regularly speaks on cyber matters at conferences like RSA, DerbyCon, BlackHat, ToorCon, GrrCon, HITB, etc. Jared is a Pluralsight author, and is often interviewed by Media to weigh in on cyber matters.

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