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SRE for Azure Deep Dive

This course introduces the principles and practices of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), a discipline that applies software engineering techniques to operations and infrastructure problems. The course covers the concepts, tools, and methods that SREs use to measure and manage reliability, availability, performance, and security of systems and services on Azure.

Alex Potasnick - Pluralsight course - SRE for Azure Deep Dive
by Alex Potasnick

What you'll learn

In this course, *SRE for Azure Deep Dive*, you will first be introduced to what Site Reliability Engineering is. Once we have that understanding, we can move on to learning about how it can be applied in an Azure environment. We will start off by learning about how to make your applications resilient and scalable. We will then learn about how to monitor your applications and infrastructure and make sure they are optimized to run as effectively as possible. Next we will learn about incident response and how to implement business continuity. Then we will discuss application deployment automation. When you have finished this course you will have a solid foundation of what it means to be a Site Reliability Engineer in an Azure environment.

Table of contents

About the author

Alex Potasnick - Pluralsight course - SRE for Azure Deep Dive
Alex Potasnick

Alex Potasnick’s Azure journey began in 2012 and has been his passion ever since. He has worked as a cloud administrator and cloud engineer consultant for a variety of customers in both the public and private sectors. The areas he has focused on have been things like infrastructure as code, scripting, and automation. His favorite part of his job has always been learning new technologies and teaching what he has learned.

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