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Succeeding with Offshore Development

In this course you will be guided through logical steps in order to lower the risk and increase the chances of succeeding with your goals for offshore development.

Jan-Erik Sandberg - Pluralsight course - Succeeding with Offshore Development
by Jan-Erik Sandberg

What you'll learn

Getting offshore development right is often hard; it is not a beginner’s game. In this course you will be guided through logical steps in order to lower the risk and increase the chances of succeeding with your goals for offshore development. You will be taken from basic understanding and setup to maintaining, extending and even valuable advice on closing down and back-shoring your operation. The author has almost a decade of experience with different offshore teams and will share tactical and practical advice throughout the course.

Table of contents

About the author

Jan-Erik Sandberg - Pluralsight course - Succeeding with Offshore Development
Jan-Erik Sandberg

Jan-Erik Sandberg is an international author and a requested speaker. He has coached agile teams since 2001 and is a veteran coder. He is currently working at Q-Free. Q-Free is a leading IOT company supporting Smart City development in more than 40 countries.

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