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Terraform Quickstart

Get up and running with Terraform

Michael Cassidy - Pluralsight course - Terraform Quickstart
by Michael Cassidy

What you'll learn

In this course, Terraform Quickstart, you’ll learn to efficiently deploy resources to the AWS cloud through AWS Cloud9. First, you’ll explore modules vs. monoliths. Next, you’ll discover how to create reusable Terraform templates across your organization to effectively manage your cloud resources. Finally, you’ll learn how to implement an interconnected folder system to the specifications of your company. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Terraform needed to consistently create and destroy cloud resources utilizing infrastructure-as-code.

Table of contents

About the author

Michael Cassidy - Pluralsight course - Terraform Quickstart
Michael Cassidy

Michael Cassidy is a DevOps professional most interested in infrastructure as code. Specifically Terraform. He has a passion for building scalable and efficient production architectures. When not busy with technology, Michael loves coaching others on fitness and wellness. It's a passion of his to inspire people to lead healthier lifestyles and feel their best. Especially those in tech.

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