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YAML Essentials

Learn the basics of working with YAML.

Elle Krout - Pluralsight course - YAML Essentials
by Elle Krout

What you'll learn

YAML Essentials gives even the absolute beginner in YAML the skills they need to craft documents using this popular data serialization language. Used across a variety of programs and languages for a vast array of reasons, YAML is a popular choice for data storage, configuration files, configuration management, and more. This course explores how to write a properly structured YAML file in both the human-readable block style and the JSON-compatible flow style.

Table of contents

About the author

Elle Krout - Pluralsight course - YAML Essentials
Elle Krout

With a background at a cloud hosting company, I started learning Linux and DevOps from the bottom up as a technical writer set out to document configuration management systems. Falling in love with Linux, DevOps and tech as a whole, I eventually took my ability to explain technical concepts to wide audiences to the training area, creating courses on Red Hat, SaltStack, HashiCorp, LXD, Docker, and more.

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