- Lab
- Cloud
- Security

Analyzing Possible Malware
In this lab exercise, we will take a look at how to use only tools to analyze a file to see if it has malware. We'll also use `md5sum` to generate the MD5 hash of a file and submit the hash to the online resources as a second means of testing a suspicious file.

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Download the suspicious file to your Downloads directory.
Use a web browser and download the file from GitHub.
Upload the file to https://www.virustotal.com to see if the file is a known malicious file.
Generate the MD5 hash of the downloaded file and save the hash in a file named`hash.txt` on the desktop.
- Run the command
md5sum eicar_com.zip
to generate the MD5 file hash.
- Open
and copy/paste the hash into the file and save the file ashash.txt
on the desktop.
- Upload the file hash to https://www.virustotal.com to see if the file is known to be malicious.
- Run the command
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