- Lab
- Cloud

Ansible Facts in AWS
For just about every Ansible module that performs an AWS task, there is a corresponding module for collecting facts regarding the related AWS component. A thorough understanding of the AWS principles in Ansible can help with implementing automation. This exercise promotes exploration of the facts provided for various AWS-related modules.

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Create and Edit `/home/ansible/report.yml` and Add Ansible Tasks That Output the Required Values into `report.txt`
After logging into the EC2 instance, run
su - ansible
to become theansible
user. The password is the same as it is forcloud_user
.Create and edit the playbook such that it resembles the following:
- hosts: localhost gather_facts: no vars_files: - /home/ansible/keys.yml tasks: - name: Get VPC facts ec2_vpc_net_facts: aws_access_key: "{{ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}" aws_secret_key: "{{ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}" region: "{{ AWS_REGION }}" register: vpc_facts - name: Add line to facts.txt lineinfile: path: /home/ansible/facts.txt line: "VPC ID: {{ vpc_facts.vpcs[0].vpc_id }}" - name: Get VPC Subnet Facts ec2_vpc_subnet_facts: aws_access_key: "{{ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}" aws_secret_key: "{{ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}" region: "{{ AWS_REGION }}" filters: vpc-id: "{{ vpc_facts.vpcs[0].vpc_id }}" register: subnet_facts - name: Add line to facts.txt lineinfile: path: /home/ansible/facts.txt line: "Subnet ID: {{ subnet_facts.subnets[0].subnet_id }}" - name: Get EC2 instance facts ec2_instance_facts: aws_access_key: "{{ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}" aws_secret_key: "{{ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}" region: "{{ AWS_REGION }}" filters: tag:Name: "Leo" register: ec2_facts - name: Get Security Group facts ec2_group_facts: aws_access_key: "{{ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}" aws_secret_key: "{{ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}" region: "{{ AWS_REGION }}" filters: group-id: "{{ ec2_facts.instances[0].security_groups[0].group_id }}" register: security_group_facts - name: Add line to facts.txt lineinfile: path: /home/ansible/facts.txt line: "Security Group Rule Set: {{ security_group_facts.security_groups[0].ip_permissions }}"
Run the Modified `/home/ansible/report.yml` to Validate That the Playbook Successfully Generates the Report
- Log into the Ansible control node as the
user. - Run the following command:
ansible-playbook /home/ansible/report.yml
- Log into the Ansible control node as the
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