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Combining Queries with Compound Searching in Elasticsearch 7.13
For more complicated queries, you need to be able to combine many different search functions together. You can do this with compound search functions in Elasticsearch. In this hands-on lab, you will leverage compound search functions and boolean logic to write and combine term-level and full-text queries into a single search request.

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Table of Contents
Craft a Query That Answers the Question: How Many Web Requests Originate from Either US or CN Where the Response Was Not 200?
From the Kibana console, craft a compound query on the
dataset that answers the question. -
Craft a Query That Answers the Question: How Many Web Requests with a 200 Response and at Least 2 Tags with 'success', 'security', or 'info' Value Are Not from a Machine with a Windows Operating System?
From the Kibana console, craft a compound query on the
dataset that answers the question. -
Craft a Query That Answers the Question: How Many Web Requests Were Made for apm-server RPM or DEB Files by Users Using an OS X Operating System?
From the Kibana console, craft a compound query on the
dataset that answers the question. Filter down the results to only include files between1024
bytes without effecting relevancy scoring.
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