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Configuring Btrfs in SUSE Linux Enterprise
In this hands-on lab, we will be working with the Btrfs filesystem. This will cover subvolumes as well as snapshots, including restoring from a snapshot.

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Create a Btrfs Filesystem on One of the Empty Disks, Mount it at `/btrfs`, Create a Data Directory, and Copy `/etc/ssh` into This Directory
Locate the empty disk (it will be the one with no partitions listed):
Create the
filesystem on the empty disk from Step 1:sudo mkfs.btrfs /dev/nvme0n1
Create the
directory:sudo mkdir /btrfs
Mount the disk:
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1 /btrfs
Change to the new
directory:cd /btrfs
Create the "normal" directory:
sudo mkdir data
Copy the
directory to thedata
directory:sudo cp -r /etc/ssh ./data
Convert the `data` Directory from Normal to Btrfs Subvol, Get Rid of the Original, and Verify with `subvolume list`
From the
directory, create the subvolume:sudo btrfs subvolume create ./data1
Copy over the files from
(notice the.
):sudo cp -r data/. ./data1
Remove the original directory:
sudo rm -rf data
Rename the subvolume:
sudo mv ./data1/ ./data
Verify the subvolume:
sudo btrfs subvolume list .
Create a Btrfs Snapshot of the `data` Directory Named `data-snap`, touch a regular `file` in `data`, Compare the Snapshot and the Original, Delete `data/ssh/ssh_config`, Verify It Still Exists in the Snapshot, and Restore the Snapshot as Original Director
From the
directory, create a snapshot of data:sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot ./data ./data-snap
Touch a file named
, and compare./data
:sudo touch data/file ls data ls data-snap
, and compare to see it still exists indata-snap
:sudo rm data/ssh/ssh_config ls data/ssh/ssh_config
The file should not be found.
Now verify it's in the snapshot:
ls data-snap/ssh/ssh_config
and then restore it fromdata-snap
:sudo btrfs subvolume delete data sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot ./data-snap ./data
Verify with
subvolume list
:sudo btrfs subvolume list .
Finally, verify the file you had deleted is back:
ls data/ssh/ssh_config
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