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Configuring systemd Units
The base measure of systemd configuration is units—small and seemingly insignificant text files that follow the `.ini` file format of sections, values, and keys. These are arguably the most important files on a `systemd` system as they describe the configuration and behavior of all services, sockets, paths, mounts, and much more. In this lab, we'll be working with viewing unit file locations, the contents and makeup of typical unit files, and their status information. We'll then take a default service unit file and extend it with additional or contradictory settings, take the necessary steps to have the `systemd` daemon recognize the changes, and verify the changes to effect. **Bonus**: We'll also show how to easily and quickly undo the changes, such as if it were a temporary setting test.

Path Info
Table of Contents
View Unit File Location, Content, and Status
- View the unit file locations on the system.
- Look at the unit files in a systemd directory.
- View the contents of a unit file.
- Get the unit file status information.
Extend a Service's Functionality and Revert to Default
- View a service unit file.
- Make an override to add an execution parameter to the unit file.
- Restart the service and the systemd daemon.
- Verify the changes took effect.
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