- Lab
- Cloud

Create and Deliver a Report on System Utilization
In this activity, you will have an opportunity to practice using several utilities that show you information about your system and resource utilization. Understanding where to find information about the resources in use on your system is a key concept in being able to manage, troubleshoot and resolve performance problems in any environment. Once you have completed this activity, you will be able to generate reports on key system resources on any Linux system.

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Table of Contents
Create the Memory Report
In order to create the memory report you have been asked to provide, you can get a list of the memory resources in total and in use with the following command:
In order to make it more readable, you can add -h (human readable) combined with -m (megabytes) or -g (gigabytes). So to see those values, you would use:
free -gh
Finally, redirect that output to the desired file via the command:
free -gh > /home/cloud_user/memory.rep
Create the System Storage Report
In addition to available memory, you will need to create a report on the system storage and associated mounts on your system. You can look at available storage by mount via the command:
Much like the memory report, you can clean up the appearance with -h (for human readable), looking like this:
df -h
Finally, redirect this to the report file as asked with:
df -h > /home/cloud_user/mounts.rep
Create a List of System Processes
Finally, you will want to create a report on system processes for all users in the environment. Processes can be viewed by the command:
Formatting the report for all users on the system, running any process can be done adding the 'aux' parameters like so:
ps aux
Redirecting to a report file can be done via:
ps aux > /home/cloud_user/procs.rep
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