- Lab
- Cloud

Creating Line and Area Visualizations in Kibana 7.6
Line and area visualizations are so similar in appearance, but each has its own strengths in the types of questions they are used to answer. In this hands-on lab, we will leverage line and area visualizations in Kibana to answer some questions about our data.

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Create and Save the Sales Velocity over Time Visualization
- Create a new line visualization.
- Calculate the rate of change (derivative) of the total number of
, label it as " Velocity", and display it as a dollar amount with 2 decimal places (example: 1,234.567 as $1,234.56). - Configure the x-axis as a date histogram of the field
labelled as "Time" with an automatic interval and no partial buckets. - Add a threshold line at the value "0".
- Save the visualization as "Sales Velocity Over Time".
Create and Save the Sales over Time Visualization
- Create a new line visualization.
- Calculate the total number of
and label it as "Items". - On a separate y-axis, calculate the total number of
label it as "Sales", and display it as a dollar amount with 2 decimal places (example: 1,234.567 as $1,234.56). - Configure the x-axis as a date histogram of the field
labelled as "Time" with an automatic interval and no partial buckets. - Save the visualization as "Sales Over Time".
Create and Save the Sales by Category over Time Visualization
- Create a new area visualization.
- Calculate the total number of
, label it as "Sales", and display it as a dollar amount with 2 decimal places (example: 1,234.567 as $1,234.56). - Split the chart on the top 5 of
ordered by the sales in descending order and labelled as "Gender". - Split the series on the top 3 of
ordered by the sales in descending order and labelled as "Category" - Configure the x-axis as a date histogram of the field
labelled as "Time" with an automatic interval and no partial buckets. - Save the visualization as "Sales by Category Over Time".
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