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Creating Users and Groups from the Command Line
In this hands-on lab, we will practice adding users and groups from the command line. Creating, managing, and removing users and groups is a fundamental skill in Linux system administration.

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Table of Contents
Create the Required Users
Note: Please wait 1-2 minutes after starting the lab to enable all the lab resources to provision.
- Run the following command:
for i in jen william matt sam anne danny kate bruce; do sudo useradd -m $i; done
Create the Required Groups
- Run the following commands:
sudo groupadd management
sudo groupadd sales
sudo groupadd operations
Add Members to the Appropriate Groups
- Add
to all groups.
for i in management sales operations ; do sudo usermod -a -G $i jen; done
- Add
to all groups.
for i in management sales operations ; do sudo usermod -a -G $i william; done
- Add the users
, anddanny
to thesales
for i in matt sam anne danny; do sudo usermod -a -G sales $i; done
- Add the users
to theoperations
for i in kate bruce; do sudo usermod -a -G operations $i; done
- Run one of the following commands to verify that group membership has been configured correctly for all users:
tail -n3 /etc/group
``` for i in jen william matt sam anne danny kate bruce; do groups $i; done ```
- Add
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Hands-on Labs are real environments created by industry experts to help you learn. These environments help you gain knowledge and experience, practice without compromising your system, test without risk, destroy without fear, and let you learn from your mistakes. Hands-on Labs: practice your skills before delivering in the real world.
Provided environment for hands-on practice
We will provide the credentials and environment necessary for you to practice right within your browser.
Guided walkthrough
Follow along with the author’s guided walkthrough and build something new in your provided environment!
Did you know?
On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.